About Company

History of Armenian research institute for Nuclear Power Plant Operation” (shortly CJSC “ARMATOM”) was beginning since 1973.
In the structure of SPA “Energy” was established Section №70, which was later reorganized into the Yerevan branch VNIIAES ("All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Power Operations").
After dissolution of the USSR, in 1992 our Institute was reorganized and entered into the structure of RA Ministry of Energy as an independent institute, and now is in the structure of RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure.
During the first period of its activity Institute was engaged in accident and transients modeling and calculations for the units with Water-Water Energy Reactors (WWER-440) of Kola and Armenian NPP.
Since the late 70s, the main directions of scientific and production activities of CJSC “ARMATOM” has been the development and implementation of various systems and equipment for training and retraining of operating personnel of NPP.
“Training System for Operators of NPPs with WWER-1000 type reactor"; "Control" and "Dialogue" systems were designed and implemented into operation for UTC Novovoronezh NPP.
In 1989 a full-scope simulator, which was developed at the Institute for the fifth unit of Novovoronezh NPP, was put into the operation, and is being still successfully used for training and re-training of operational personnel of WWER-1000 type reactor. For training centres of Smolensk NPP in “ARMATOM” was developed the specialized simulator “Imitator” for training and re-training of operational personnel of Kalinin NPP.
In the same year, together with VNIIAES (Moscow) and “S3T” (USA), “ARMATOM” participated in design and construction of a full-scale simulator for training and re-training of operational personnel of Kalinin NPP. In particular, on the basis of the technical documentation of the company S3T, was designed, manufactured and installed a system that connects computing system with the MCR (Main Control Room) of simulator. Since 1990 the Institute has developed, manufactured and put into operation automatic training systems, collapsible mock-ups, posters an equipment plane tables for outfitting of training centers of NPPs with WWER and RBMK type reactors. In “ARMATOM” were carried out studies to ensure the safe operation of NPPs under the high seismicity conditions. On the basis of these studies the pilot production of the Institute designed and manufactured devices such as SIAP (System of Industrial Anti-seismic Protection). SIAP type devices were manufactured and installed at Russian, Ukrainian NPPs, Bulgarian, Slovakian and Armenian NPPs. At present activities in the following directions are performed at the institute:

  • Direction 1: Safety assessment analyses of Nuclear Power Plants;
  • Direction 2: Implementation of diagnostic, information and other systems ensuring the safety of Nuclear Power Plants;
  • Direction 3: Development and implementation of the systems for training and re-training of operations and maintenance personnel of Nuclear Power Plants;
  • Direction 4: Development of standards and technological documentation for the operation and maintenance of systems and equipment of NPP;
  • Direction 5: Ensuring the safe operation of Nuclear Power Plant in seismic conditions;
  • Direction 6: Research and control of Metals of devices and equipments of NPP;
  • Direction 7: Research on physical calculations of nuclear reactors.
CJSC “ARMATOM” actively participated in the works of the re-commissioning of the second unit of the Armenian NPP. To increase the level of safety of Armenian NPP institute performed the following scientific-technical works. Were developed a compact simulator on the base of IBM PC;
  • • In collaboration with experts from the company CORYS T.E.S.S. (France-Belgium consortium) and ANPP in the framework of TACIS program were developed and implemented “Multifunctional simulator” for ANPP;
  • • "Safety Parameter Display System” (SPDS) was implemented into operation jointly with the companies PNNL, DS&S (USA). »:
  • • Joint forces of experts from the companies DS&S (USA) and experts from ANPP are completed and embedded in Armenian NPP works of the replacement of outdated information and computing systems ICM-500 by a new one, which includes another 1400 analog and digital parameters;
  • • Jointly with companies PNNL and ANL (USA) works on the deterministic safety analysis have been completed and the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) of Armenian NPP Unit # 2 has been developed. Together with the Italian company "SOGIN" performed probabilistic safety analysis of Armenian NPP Unit #2.
  • • In cooperation with the RRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Institute “Gidropress”, the Spanish company "Tecnatom" and the Hungarian company "Atomic Energy Research Institute” was performed the work on the theme "Scientific-technical expertise of evaluating the reliability of preliminary calculation of Arctic region NPP reactor vessels embrittlement " (the program COBRA).
With the participation of specialists of the Institute at Armenian NPP Unit #2 were implemented into operation following diagnostic systems:
  • LCS (System of control of the leaks from the primary), by analogy with "ALUS" produced by "Siemens";
  • DSFLO (Free and Loose Objects Detection System), by analogy with "KUS" system produced by "Siemens";
  • System of control of emissions into atmosphere of radioactive gas compounds (PING-3B);
  • Neutron flux monitoring system in a ranging source.
    • •Project of the Reserve Control Panel and Emergency Instrumentation for the ANPP;
    • •Project of channel separation of the Reactor Protection System and interlocks of the Safety Systems of ANPP Unit #2;
    • •Development of a Comprehensive Modernization Program for ANPP Unit #2 (as part of an international consortium), in particular, individual tasks related to the habitability of the control room, the operability and cooling capacity of ventilation systems and seismic safety of ANPP;
    • •Calculations (with MELCOR code) and analysis of severe accident scenarios for the ANPP Unit #2 within the framework of the PSA of the 2nd level and the project for the development of Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG);
    • •Development of the Severe Accident Management Manuals (RUTA) according to the WESTINGHOUSE methodology with the adaptation of the general approach proposed in the methodology ofANPP Unit #2;

    The following types of documents developed for the ANPP:
    • - Operational and technical documentation for different systems: technical descriptions, instructions for normal operation, instructions for abnormal mode;
    • - Classifier of equipment and elements of a diesel generator station;
    • - Administrative repair management program;
    • • Sets of technological documents (STD) repair of equipment (measuring maps and sketches card), as well as the development and production of albums;
    • • Sets of technological documents (CTD) for the control of technological characteristics of nuclear equipment to output in repair and commissioning after repair;
    • • Sets of technological documents for disassembly and assembly of equipment (for nuclear power plants and other energy facilities);
    • • Information and graphical equipment database (for nuclear power plants and other energy facilities);
    • • Performance of "stress tests" ANPP (as part of an international consortium);
    • • Educational and computer system for training and retraining of maintenance personnel of NPP, AST, CHP, TPP and other enterprises of the energy and chemical industry both during operation and during decommissioning:
    • - Images of equipment, parts and assemblies used in the training process are made using high-quality 3-dimensional computer graphics, which provides a high degree of clarity;
    • • Repairs simulator developed with financial support from CNCP and IAEA for the following equipment:
    • - VVER-440 type reactor;
    • - MGV-Du-500;
    • - MCP-195m;
    • - MCN-317.
    Specialists of the Institute developed a unique mathematical model of the software, which enables us to determine the size and location of the leak from the primary circuit, and the mass of the striking object and the point of impact. With the assistance of US Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) an “International Nuclear Safety Center” (INSC) was founded at “Armatom” outfitted with modern equipment which cooperates with similar centers in different countries In the near future, it is intended to establish in “ARMATOM” a laboratory for nuclear reactor physical measurements and calculations, as well as a regional center for metal non-destructive control which will expand the thematic scope covered by the Institute and enhance its role in the world as an organization providing scientific and technical support for Nuclear Power Plants Operation.